

The Slow Adoption of the Virtual AGM

  • March 13, 2019
  • Charles-Antoine Soulière and Lauren Bélanger-Dibblee

Virtual shareholder meetings are becoming more popular in the U.S. but failing to gain traction in Canada. Why? What are the issues that the board and management considering using virtual technology at meetings should know?

The Power of People

  • March 13, 2019
  • Patricia Osoko

This author has seen the effects of corruption in different countries and how people there are responding. using Latin america and South Asia as examples, she looks at the significant efforts governments are making to show their commitment to curbing corruption. Is it leading to increased confidence and integrity? And are increasingly global companies ready to follow suit?

Governing Mental Health: A Case for “Shoulding”

  • March 13, 2019
  • Wendy Lund, RN, BScN, MSc in Mindfulness Studies

Ensuring psychological health and safety in the workplace is a relatively new but nonetheless crucial concept, and it should be a goal for all organizations. It takes a strong commitment from the top and the ability to see things how they really are.

From Compliance to Integrity

  • March 13, 2019
  • Theodore Dela Avle, CIC.C

From gatekeeper to referee to sounding board, we in-house counsel wear many hats. However, our role as strategic business partner, earned by always acting with integrity, is the most valuable.

Ethics and Integrity Officers: Guarding the Moral Compass

  • March 13, 2019
  • Jim Middlemiss

Organizations across the country have added or are looking to add “Chief Ethics/Integrity Officer” to their C-Suites—a role perfectly suited to in-house counsel. Ensuring more than compliance, this position joins legal, business and personal ethics to guide organizations and people. See how this is playing out and if you have what it takes to lead with integrity.

Challenges to Privilege in the Internal Investigation Context

  • March 13, 2019
  • Paul Le Vay, Gerald Chan and Carlo Di Carlo

Internal investigations are fraught with legal challenges, including issues of privilege. While the importance of privilege in investigations is readily apparent, it is not absolute. Learn about the challenges and how to best proceed.

The Makings of a Career Plan

  • March 01, 2018
  • Karlee Blatz

I often read career planning articles (such as this one) and think to myself, “These people have it together!” Full transparency: I am not one of those people. One day, I’d like to have it together but that day is not today.

Conquering Challenging Clients

  • March 01, 2018
  • Jim Middlemiss

Every in-house counsel has a war story to tell about a challenging client they had to manage at some point in their career.