

Taking the Lead on Strategy

  • September 13, 2019
  • Lynne Yryku

Stop focusing on fires, and start thinking more broadly about your organization and your role in it. Let its strategy be your guide to more meaningful action and success. Strategic management professor Mara Lederman helps you cut through the buzzwords to explain what strategy is, what role it plays in an organization and why it matters to in-house counsel specifically.

Know Thyself

  • September 13, 2019
  • Jim Middlemiss

Knowing yourself intimately, from emotional intelligence to communication style and personality strengths and weaknesses, will help you relate to your colleagues and perform at a higher level. CliftonStrengths is one assessment tool gaining traction.

How to See and Say What Really Matters

  • September 13, 2019
  • Jim Middlemiss

The balancing act general counsel must play as trusted advisors is a tough one. Successfully mediating the space between the board and management takes soft skills, such as selfregulation, empathy and motivation. The good news is these skills can be developed. Begin with understanding the dynamics and move on to learning ways to build trust, credibility and heightened awareness.

How to be a Better Board Member

  • September 13, 2019
  • Amee Sandhu, CCEP-I

The board of directors sits at the strategic, not operational, level, with a multitude of fiduciary responsibilities and liabilities. To understand and better work with it, it helps to seek out training and get a taste of what it is like to sit on a board. This author did just that and says her experience was invaluable for her, both professionally and personally.

Flourish or Flounder: Aligning with Your Values

  • September 13, 2019
  • Wendy Lund, RN, BScN, MSc in Mindfulness Studies

Our values can help us in morally challenging moments if we are aware of them. Regularly taking stock helps us see whether we are in alignment with them or whether we need to adjust our course to perform at our best.

A Master in the Art of Connection

  • September 13, 2019
  • Lynne Yryku

Profile: Sébastien Guénette - Being head of legal at a new company may be challenging but it is also exhilarating, which makes it a perfect fit for this sky-diving lawyer. Sébastien shares what drives his priorities, how he gives back and how you can too.

Uncorking a Memory

  • August 26, 2019
  • Wendy Lund, RN, BScN, MSc in Mindfulness Studies

Approach each new person and experience with kind curiosity and openness. You will have deeper connections, learn a lot about yourself and others, and create a culture where everyone feels like they belong.

The Winding Road to Women’s Empowerment

  • June 13, 2019
  • Patricia Osoko

Gender diversity has come a long way in Canada and in Mexico, where this author is now based. We should be proud of our successes—but remember there is still a long road ahead to achieve equity for all.