Are you excited about the idea of going to the CCCA’s National Conference on April 22, but feeling a bit hesitant because it is virtual and you won’t know anyone? Are you keen to meet other in-house counsel, but not really sure how to go about it? We are launching this “Rapid-Fire Round” series to help.
Here you can “meet” a CCCA Executive Committee member who will be at the Conference. Then if you have questions about them and their work with the CCCA at the national or local level, feel free to message them through the Conference platform.
Lindsey LeClair
General Counsel & Corporate Secretary at Valeyo / CCCA Executive Committee Member-at-Large
Burnaby, BC
1. Who is your hero?
My Dad. He taught me the importance of responsibility, public service and family.
2. What do you like most about your career?
I love that every day is different. I’m especially appreciative of this given that COVID-19 has rendered the format of my days very similar, but the content and what I get to work on every day changes. I have the opportunity to learn something new every day.
3. What makes you laugh?
What doesn't?
4. When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your time?
Before my daughter was born, I would have said learning to play a new instrument and volunteering to support people living with diabetes and their families. Volunteering is a constant; however, you’re more likely to find me deep in a dance/karaoke battle with my daughter these days.
5. How would your friends describe you?
Super sarcastic. Trustworthy. Thinks she’s really funny. Good mom. Laughs at the most inappropriate times.
6. What three books do you consider critical reading for an in-house counsel?
Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott
Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher
(*shameless plug*) The syllabus for the CCCA’s Business Leadership Program for In-House Counsel
7. What is the one thing you wish you had known before becoming in-house counsel?
Work-life balance means something different in-house versus at a firm.
8. What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?
Perfection is not a thing. If you reflect on your day, your year and your career, and you can honestly say you tried your hardest, you should be proud of that.
Register for Conference now and meet hundreds of great members like Lindsey!
Lynne Yryku is the Executive Editor of The In-House Edition.