
Help your colleagues by showing off your knowledge and experience within our diverse network of in-house counsel across Canada. 


Results of the 2022 In-House Counsel Compensation Survey

  • June 01, 2022
  • CCCA and The Counsel Network

National average base salary has increased significantly, gender wage gap has widened, equal pay for racialized and disabled lawyers is still a challenge, and work-life balance satisfaction decreased during the pandemic.

8 Tips on Effective Communication with Non-Lawyers

  • February 11, 2022
  • KJ Chong

Communicating effectively is half the challenge when working in-house. The shorter, the better in most cases, but there are other issues you might want to consider. While normal course in private practice may be to send a thorough PDF memo on the law, this might not be the best way to get your message across in an organization.

In-House Legal Practice Management

  • February 02, 2022
  • David Avren

Practising law is the business of law firms; in-house practice and legal departments are just part of a business that has many other priorities. Legal group budgeting, financial systems, hiring, firing, promoting, contract management, records keeping, and IT have to integrate with everything else. General Counsel is just one member of an executive team. The Legal Department (“Legal”) is just a small — but important — part of something much bigger.

FAQ - Privilege and Confidentiality For In-House Counsel

  • January 28, 2022

The Ethics and Professional Responsibility Committee and the CCCA prepared answers to 22 frequently asked questions about solicitor-client privilege and client confidentiality especially for in-house counsel. Please refer to the rules of your governing body for the detailed rules in your jurisdiction.

Congratulations, Graduates!

  • September 09, 2021
  • CCCA

Congratulations to the summer 2021 Business Leadership Program for In-House Counsel graduating class.

Managing Your Tax Advisors: Part 3

  • August 12, 2021
  • Steve Suarez

Tax law is a strange and mysterious world for many people, even most lawyers. The law is constantly changing, the concepts are challenging and the results are often counter-intuitive, making it a source of frustration for those forced to deal with it. To help businesses and their legal groups can get the most out of their tax advisors (internal and external) in a productive and cost-efficient way, here is a series of three articles on best practices.

Managing Your Tax Advisors: Part 2

  • August 12, 2021
  • Steve Suarez

Tax law is a strange and mysterious world for many people, even most lawyers. The law is constantly changing, the concepts are challenging and the results are often counter-intuitive, making it a source of frustration for those forced to deal with it. To help businesses and their legal groups can get the most out of their tax advisors (internal and external) in a productive and cost-efficient way, here is a series of three articles on best practices.

Managing Your Tax Advisors: Part 1

  • August 12, 2021
  • Steve Suarez

Tax law is a strange and mysterious world for many people, even most lawyers. The law is constantly changing, the concepts are challenging and the results are often counter-intuitive, making it a source of frustration for those forced to deal with it. To help businesses and their legal groups can get the most out of their tax advisors (internal and external) in a productive and cost-efficient way, here is a series of three articles on best practices.

Forecasting the Post-Pandemic World

  • May 31, 2021
  • Yves Faguy

Now a special advisor at Osler, Stephen Poloz is the keynote speaker at the upcoming CCCA Spring Conference on April 22. Ahead of his talk, he sat down with CBA National to discuss the role of monetary versus fiscal policy during the recovery, and to share his insight on the risk of inflation, whether the Roaring ‘20s will make a comeback, and how we can build resilience in the post-pandemic world.