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An Innovation Audit for the Law Department

  • October 02, 2023
  • Richard Stock

The innovation audit can be applied to law departments to identify organizational roadblocks and challenges. A 45-question survey can reveal predictors and indicators for law department innovation.

Strategic Impact

  • August 15, 2023
  • Richard Stock

You get what you measure. A key performance indicator (KPI) for “Strategic Impact” challenges the law department to choose its priorities, show more leadership, offer more resources to corporate business priorities, and re-think its critical competencies for senior counsel.

Getting Things Done in the Law Department

  • May 02, 2023
  • Richard Stock

This article sets out a Critical Success Factor and three indicators for planning. Five causes of the failure to implement plans are listed. Bossidy and Charan’s seven insights into the execution of plans and work are practical. A case study details one way to organize and execute a multi-faceted business plan for a law department.

Technology and Regulatory Oversight

  • April 25, 2023
  • Lisa Picotte-Li

Leveraging technology to create greater value, however, requires a shift in thinking about regulatory oversight. Gone are the days of enough resources and time to monitor every aspect of compliance. The reality of any quality control program is that regulation and policy rarely move at the pace of crisis. To keep up with what feels like regularly recurring climate disasters, innovative regulatory tools are needed along with the following paradigm shifts.

One of Our Employees Just Made a Harassment Complaint: Now What?

  • January 16, 2023
  • Lisa Majeau Gordon & Michael McCormack

Workplace harassment continues to pose immense risks to Canadian workers thus placing a responsibility on employers to effectively handle complaints and investigations. How do you develop a well-researched investigation policy and process for your organization?

Hard Conversations Don’t Need to be Hard

  • December 03, 2022
  • Kate Rogers

Difficult conversations are an unavoidable fact of life. If you have ever been in a relationship (personal or professional), then you’ve had a difficult conversation. It wouldn’t be surprising if you’ve taken actions to avoid these conversations or found them stressful. Often, the experience of a conversation – for both you and the person you’re speaking with – comes down to how the conversation is approached.

The Gift of Multiculturalism

  • October 31, 2022
  • Yasmin Visram

50 years ago today I arrived in Canada as a refugee from Uganda. We were accepted quickly and generously by a country where ethnic diversity and pluralism were encouraged. We counted ourselves as lucky.

Maximizing Efficiency When Resources are Low

  • September 22, 2022
  • Kate Rogers

Three-quarters of lawyers frequently feel over capacity and more than half don’t conduct any kind of tracking to better understand their resourcing constraints – at least that’s the case according to respondents surveyed at this year’s CCCA National Conference.

The Voice of Authority: Impactful Communication for In-House Counsel

  • July 29, 2022
  • Bailey Davis

The ability to effectively communicate is of the utmost importance, especially for in-house counsel as they face the challenge of relaying complex legal advice to colleagues coming from various scholarships. In-house counsel must be reflexive and ask not only, “Is my message getting across?”, but also, “Is my communication creating a positive impact?”