

Will COVID-19 Kill Legal Professionalism as We Know It? I Hope So.

  • December 07, 2020
  • Catherine Chow

As the world evolves in new and uncertain ways, legal professionalism requires more than meeting traditional principles of high competence and specialized knowledge. We need to be empathetic leaders, enshrining the rigorous ethical and moral ideals, and taking action to connect with and uplift the communities in which we live and serve.

The Invisible Lawyer

  • December 04, 2020
  • Theodore Dela Avle

Hiring at the entry level has been targeted in attempts to increase diversity. But, while the diversity numbers overall have improved, the progress has been much slower at the more senior levels. Why is that the case?

Department of One: How to Succeed as a Solo In-House Counsel

  • November 12, 2020
  • KJ Chong

Many in-house counsel departments are small. While it may seem overwhelming at first to be the “loneliest number,” here are eight tips I have learned to help you survive and thrive as a solo practitioner or in a small department.

Navigating Cybersecurity and Privacy in a COVID-19 World

  • November 06, 2020
  • Argiro Kotsalis & Sepideh Alavi

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a number of impacts on how businesses operate, including a rapid rise in the work from home (WFH) model, the use of video conferencing platforms and increased access to employees’ health-related data for monitoring purposes. Like many other organizations, the Vancouver Airport Authority’s cybersecurity and privacy team has been taking proactive steps to mitigate these potential risks. Below is some guidance.

Don’t Ask Me to be Grateful

  • October 23, 2020
  • Yasmin Visram

As Thanksgiving approached, I found myself barraged with annoying platitudes about gratitude. But I am far from grateful these days. I see a world that is tired and scared and has been living on the edge too long.

It’s Time for Unprecedented Change in our Profession

  • October 23, 2020
  • Brad Regehr

The COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement—which itself has become shorthand for systemic discrimination against any people due to their colour or creed, particularly Indigenous peoples in Canada—have highlighted both the limitations and inequities in the legal profession and the justice system, as well as the opportunities that can come from major disruption.

Failing Forward: A New Take on the Experience of Failure

  • October 13, 2020
  • Ashley Good

The most successful leaders are those who are able to learn and grow from these experiences. Yet, dealing with failure well is not a skill we are ever taught how to do. It is a skill we either learn the hard way, or not at all.

We Must Remove Barriers for Foreign-trained Lawyers

  • October 07, 2020
  • Dr. Kara Mitchelmore

Diversity means having a legal profession that reflects our population. Yet, foreign-trained law students, whether they are Canadians who study abroad or students who complete their law degree abroad before immigrating here, face daunting and unique challenges.