Plenary 4 - Leading Change

Geoffrey Leonardelli

The world’s most successful companies innovate, adapt and change. The ability to drive and lead effectively is a key differentiator of successful leaders. Geoffrey Leonardelli, Academic Director of Rotman School of Management’s Leading Change program will discuss how change really happens – by a strong leader who can bring a team along.  In an age of disruption, you can lead with confidence and grace.


Geoffrey Leonardelli is a Professor of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management at Rotman (with a cross-appointment to the Department of Psychology). His research targets how people can harness knowledge about themselves to enhance their leadership, team dynamics and negotiator effectiveness, with some emphasis on international relations. Geoff created Rotman’s course on “Leading Teams” and teaches managerial negotiations. He has published in the Journal of World BusinessPsychological Science, and Advances in Experimental Social Psychology and serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

When & Where:

  • Tuesday, April 28 – 9:00 am to 9:45 am ET
  • Room: TBD